Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ban Tropic Thunder!

Please, if you do nothing else today, PLEASE read this article found on 5 Minutes for Mom blog and then sign the petition found at the bottom to ban Tropic Thunder.


On this page you'll read of this atrocious movie Hollywood's trying to put out that not only portrays the intellectually disabled in a horrendous light but they promote/condone the use of the term "retard" in this derogatory way that's supposed to be "funny". As the author of this blog segment wrote "my son has to fight for his life every day, he shouldn't have to fight for acceptance too".

The obstacles and challenges that those with intellectual disabilities are far-reaching and varied. We don't need the entertainment industry making things 100 times more difficult. A portion of people with these disabilities can't speak for themselves, we need to speak FOR them. Like I'm speaking for my Nathanael today.

In a society that strives for perfection, what is missed is that people like Nathanael ARE perfection. I wish I could be more like him.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I too wish I could be more like Elliot! Well said, Kitty! And, thank you for your kind words on our blog. Indeed, Elliot is so into the "FurReal" toys. He adores that monkey and loves one of Nora's old bears from the same maker! Hugs to you. Be blessed!